Tools / Techniques

Various tools used.

This is by no means a comprehensive list.

Wireshark	 		            -	Packet Sniffer GUI
tcpdump		 		            -	Packet Sniffer CLI
theharvester	 		        - Find emails, usernames 
recon-ng		 		          -	Full-featured web reconnaissance framework. 
whois		 		              -	Client for the whois directory service
host			 		            -	DNS lookup utility
dig			 		              -	DNS lookup utility
dnsrecon		 		          -	DNS Enumeration and Scanning Tool
dnsenum		 		            -	DNS Enumeration
nmap		 		              -	Port Scanning
nbtscan		 		            -	Program for scanning networks for NetBIOS name information
smbclient	 			          -	FTP-like client to access SMB/CIFS resurces on servers
rpcclient		 		          -	Tool for executing client side MS-RPC functions
enum4linux	 		          -	Enumeration Tool values using SNMP GETNEXT requests
snmpwalk	 		            -	Retrieve a subtree of management
snmp-check	 		          -	SNMP Device enumeration
onesixtyone	 		          -	Easy SNMP Scanner

OpenVas		 		            -	Vulnerability Scanner
Nessus		 		            -	Vulnerability Scanner
dirbuster		 		          -	Directory Finder
dirb			 		            -	Directory Finder
gobuster		 		          -	Directory Finder
nikto		 		              -	Scan web server for known vulnerabilities

Immunity Debugger		      -	Debugger in Windows helping understand how a program executes and understanding low level programming.
Evans Linux Debugger	    -	Debugger in Linux 
msfvenom	 		            -	Generation of shellcode
tftp			 		            -	Transfer files with TFTP
FTP			 		              -	Transfer files with FTP
debug.exe 	 		          -	Assembler, disassembler and a hex dumping tool
upx			 		              -	PE compression tool, executable packer for Linux. 
exe2bat		 		            -	Conversion process
sqlmap		 		            -	Automatic SQL Injection tool
crunch		 		            -	Generate wordlists from a character set
fgdump.exe	 		          -	Get the hashes from a system (can only be used once admin)
pwdump.exe	 		          -	Get the hashes from a system (can only be used once admin)
wce.exe		 		            -	Attacks to obtain the passwords in clear text.  (can only be used once admin)
John the Ripper		        -	A tool to find weak passwords of your users.
pth-			 		            -	Pass the hash attacks. Use hash to login instead of a clear text password.
cewl		 			            -	Custom word list generator	
medusa		 		            -	Parallel Network Login Auditor
ncrack		 		            -	Network authentication cracking tool
hydra		 		              -	A very fast network logon cracker which support many different services.
hash-identifier 		      -	Guess the algorithm used on hashes
unshadow	 			          -	Combine password and shadow files

rinetd		 		            -	Simple Port-Forwarding tool
ssh			 		              -	SSH Tunneling
HTTPS		 		              -	HTTPS Tunneling
msfconsole	 		          -	MSF framework
Hyperion		 		          -	Packers/Crypters
oclHashcatPlus			      -	Hash cracker for salt passwords.
gpp-decrypt	 		          -	Decrypt hashes
wpscan                    - Wordpress Security Scanner

Last updated

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